Wheat Flour Mill with capacity 10 ton/day---500 ton/day, small capacity wheat flour mill(10 ton/24hour---50 ton / day Wheat Milling Line ) is easy install and operate, middle capacity wheat flour mill (such as 100-150 ton/ day Flour Mill ) is steel structure type, large wheat flour mill such as 200 ton - 500 ton per day wheat flour mill is building floor type. All wheat flour mill line includes the complete processing line: raw grain receiving feeding----Cleaning Peeling system-----Milling Sifting system-----Final products packing system.
When we say Mills for grinding wheat, it can process two types wheat: Soft wheat and Hard wheat . Because of raw wheat different density, then the final product from them also different , you may get normal wheat flour from soft wheat, while high gluten flour----Semolina produced from Hard wheat. Our Wheat Grinding Mill Machine is the one suit for these two types wheat .
The process of flour milling (from wheat to milled into wheat flour) usually consist of the following:
1. wheat storage (silos, or warehouse) ---------- 2. cleaning system (sifter, destoner, seprater, magnet, scourer, etc) ----------- 3. dampening (dampener, conditioning silos, etc) ---------- 4. milling system (roller mill, plansifter, purifier, impact detacher, etc.) ---------- 5. Flour pressure and blending system (if need) ----------
6. flour packing and stacking.
Wheat/Maize Flour Milling Machine (5-500T/24H) Wheat/maize Flour mill: We can professionally supply complete sets of wheat/corn flour milling machine to produce different grades flour through special technical design for customers needs.
Capacity(wheat/24h): 5-500T/24h
2. Flour extraction: To produce standard flour:75-82%
To produce grade 2flour: 70-75%
To produce grade 1flour: 60-68%
Maize/corn flour milling plant: maize flour mill adopts(fully dry) mixed peeling demering technology, thus can producing different particle size low fat maize grits, maize flour and maize bran. maize flour is mainly used in food factory, ethanol factory, liquor factory, brewery, lactate factory, maize sugar and maize processing factories.
Machine relative index of maize flour mill
A. Technical index:
1. Product type: maize grits, maize flour, maize bran;
2. Power consumption: 60kwh/ maize ton ;
3. Product yield: maize grits: about 45-55%,
maize flour: about20-30%;
maize bran: 25% or so;
maize grits and maize flour total yield: 75-80%
B. Product quality index::
1. maize flour thickness:40-120 mesh ( thickness can be adjusted);
2. Sand content: not more than 0.002g/kg;
3. Magnetic metal content: not more than 0.003g/kg;
4. Water: preservable: 13.5-14.5%;
5. Color and odour: pink. odour : taste normal;
6. Fat content: 0.5-1%
C. Equipment land occupation:(length*width*height): According to maize flour mill capacity Our service
Full and perfect service
.Pre-sale services: enthusiasm
We provide you with the prophase plan, process flow design and manufacturer equipment according to your special demand.
.Sale services: servant
Send technicians to the jobsite for guiding the installation and adjustment, training operators and finishing the check and accept together with you.
.After-sale services: faithfulness
To establish long term friendship, we will regularly pay return visit to customers